Meet Alycia & Lindsey.
“One of the greatest challenges families of children with special health care needs face is financial struggles.”
We are two sisters on a BIG mission to change that statistic.
Alycia - "Since the day Lenny was born, my husband and I have always felt that he was brought into this world to help people. You can truly see it in his eyes. He was born with an incredible ability to persevere despite the odds and has taught us so much about what it means to fight with grace and courage. Any time there was an ounce of doubt, he would look up from beneath the tubes and wires with a smile on his tiny face, reminding us that everything would be ok. In a time that we had to be strong, it was always our little warrior Lennon who kept us going. It’s that strength that has proven not only his will to live, but also his inherent capacity to inspire. While Lennon’s will has never wavered, navigating the healthcare system has challenged us from day one. My husband and I are all too familiar with the mountains of paperwork and confusing hospital bills. It has certainly been a long and difficult road. We have researched endlessly, questioned healthcare providers, battled with insurance companies. In this time when our son needed love and support more than almost anything else, we found ourselves on hours of long phone calls doing everything in our power to advocate for the best possible care for Lennon, yet hitting roadblocks everywhere we turned. While it was certainly difficult, we have learned a great deal. With The LENN Foundation, we want to use what we have learned from our struggles to help others navigate the system and avoid the pitfalls. We know firsthand how incredibly stressful (and expensive) it all can be. If we can do anything to help lessen that burden for families in need, even the slightest, then our mission will be a success."
Our Mission: The LENN Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity that provides grant opportunities for children with cerebral palsy to receive the pediatric intensive therapies they need to thrive.
Lindsey - "Since my sister Alycia was born when I was 4 years old, we have shared an amazing bond. Neither of us would have ever known when we were younger just how important that bond would become. On October 1, 2015, Alycia gave birth to her son, my precious nephew, Lenny. Weighing in at 1 pound 7 ounces, Lenny could fit into the palm of your hand. After 7 long and emotional months in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit), Lenny was finally released on April 28, 2016 to go home. Over the first two years of Lenny's life, I witnessed first hand the emotional roller coaster my sister and her husband, Justin, have gone through. They have dealt with various medical bills, constant trips to the doctor, in house therapy appointments, and waiting for various forms of special equipment to get approved by insurance. Through it all, I have admired Alycia, Justin, and Lenny for their courage and ability to keep a positive attitude in everything they have encountered. Looking at that radiant smile on Lenny's face and seeing the incredible progress Lenny has made (thanks to the help of his amazing doctors and therapists) has inspired me to do what I can to help other families with children who have special needs. The difficulty my sister and her husband financially went through with Lenny's medical expenses was heart-wrenching to witness and led us to start The LENN Foundation. How many other parents were facing these same issues? No parent should ever have to stress over their child’s medical bills. It has become my mission to make sure families receive peace of mind knowing our foundation is here to help their children receive the pediatric therapies they need to thrive in their everyday life. Parents should be able to focus on what matters most, loving and taking care of their child."
Join us to help the Cerebral Palsy Warriors live an all-out better quality of life! ♥